Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Katie here. I hope I can live up to Steph's two very enjoyable posts.

So, I was trying to figure out what costume(s) to write about for my first post, but I couldn't find anything as creative or interesting as Steph did. Just a lot of overdone, obvious things. So I gave up and decided to describe the one semi-creative costume idea I came up with all on my own. I haven't used this idea yet, though it's been in the back of my mind for a while. The costume is called . . . .

Princess Escaping From Dragon's Lair

Basically, one would just need to buy a generic princess dress like the one below:

Any gown would do. I chose this one (from for two reasons:

1. it was one of the first ones I saw, and has sleeves, which gives more flexibility for the second step of creating this costume.

The Second Step: tear that dress up! (Actually, the gown above is $119, so I don't recommend using this particular dress).

This princess ran from a dragon do you think her dress survived unscathed? I imagine a lot of small holes, and tears from it getting caught on stuff, to perhaps some claw marks where the dragon almost got her (could play with blood here, too). Finally, some creative burning would be marvelous. Add a messed up princess-y updo, a bent, beat up crown, and some dirt and soot, and the costume is complete.

I've been sitting on this idea for a couple years. Why haven't I used it yet? Partly because I tend to wait until the last minute to throw a costume together and this one requires more time. Mostly, though, I have such a clear mental picture of the finished product, I don't feel like my actual attempt to achieve it would live up to my expectations. -shrug- Maybe I'll use it some time in the future.

Sorry there were no puns in this post . . .


  1. That's an awesome idea! Why have you never told me you wiley friend?!

  2. clever... you should turn your mind to twisting more overused costume ideas
